الاثنين، 28 فبراير 2011

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مدونة التقنية بلا حدود- Sultan Blog

موتورولا تؤكد أنها ستطرح جهاز لوحي آخر 7 أنش قبل نهاية السنه الحاليه

Posted: 28 Feb 2011 11:13 AM PST

لا ليس بالأمر المفاجأ في الحقيقه فلقد ذكر المدير التنفيذي  Sanjay Jha مسبقا بأنه سيكون هنالك عائلة من الأجهزة اللوحيه  واليوم خلال مؤتمر Media & Telecom أكد سانجي بأنه سيكون هنالك فرد آخر قبل نهاية السنه الجاريه  وطبعا كالمعتاد لم يذكر تفاصيل دقيقه هنا ولكن من المؤكد أن النسخه القادمه ستكون بشاشه 7 أنش سيكون أكثر محمولا وأكثر تسلية  وقال أيضا أن الزووم بالأضافة إلى الأفراد القادمين سيكونان أقل سعرا في منتصف السنه الحاليه .[Motorola]

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تقول موتورولا جميع هواتفها العالية المواصفات ستحصل على التطبيق Webtop أبتداءا من شهر يونيو

Posted: 28 Feb 2011 11:05 AM PST

Motoral Atrix Coming on march 1

أنت تعلم جيّدا عن هاتف موتورولا Atrix ذالك الهاتف الخارق والذي يمكن تحويله إلى حاسب أنترنت بالأضافة إلى مجموعته الخاصه بالأكسسوارات وذالك التطبيق المميز Webtop والذي هو ببساطه سيقوم بتحويله من هاتف عادي إلى حاسب سمارت بوك حسنا على مايبدو أن هذا التطبيق سيكون متوفر على جميع هواتفها ذو المواصفات العاليه هذا ما أكده Morgan Stanley من موتورولا خلال مؤتمر خاص بالمطوريين وأضاف أيضا أن التطبيق سيكون متوفر في النصف الثاني من العام المنصرم .[Motorola]

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نظره على الجهاز اللوحي MSI Dual Pad

Posted: 28 Feb 2011 10:56 AM PST

أليك المذهل في هذا الجهاز اللوحي MSI Dual Pad والذي تم الكشف عنه خلال مؤتمر CeBIT والذي لازال أيضا مجرد تصميم أختباري ممايعني أنه قد يتم طرحه في السوق أم لا هذا الجهاز اللوحي حرفيّا مزود بشاشتين ولكن أليك الفكره الجهنميه يمكنك فصل الشاشتين عن بعضهما البعض والعمل على أحدى الشاشتين بكافة الوظائف المزوده بنظام ويندوز7  وعند وصل هاتين الشاشتين مع بعض فأنهما سيعملان كجهاز لوحي متكامل الوظائف

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هل هذه الصوره الرسميه للجهاز اللوحي الأيباد 2 ؟

Posted: 28 Feb 2011 10:49 AM PST

أنا معك أن هذا قد يكون مجرد شخص هاوِ يعشق منتجات أبل لكن بالنسبة لي الصوره هذه مقنعه كثيرا ولا أستغرب أن يكون هذا بالفعل شكل الجيل القادم من الأيباد  والذي ننتظر الأعلان عنه خلال مؤتمر أبل في اليوم الثاني من شهر مارس وهذا عني بعد غد .يقول الموقع BGR بأن التصميم معاد بالكامل وهنالك كاميرا من الخلف بشكل مسطح  وسماعات متمركزه بالأسفل .[BGR]

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أختراق وتفكيك جهاز الألعاب المحمول Nintendo 3DS فقط بعد يوم من أطلاقه في اليابان

Posted: 28 Feb 2011 10:33 AM PST

الشيء المعترف عليه هو عندما تحصل على جهاز جديد فريد من نوعه مثل Nintendo 3DS هو الحفاظ عليه والتباهي بالحصول عليه ؟ وخاصة أنه متوفر الآن في اليابان ولكن يبدو أن هنالك أشخاص قاموا بشيؤ خارج عن المعتاد وهو تفكيك الجهاز الألعاب المحمول و الذي قالوا في البدايه أن شاشة تقنية الابعاد الثلاثيه هي من شارب والتي لاتحتاج إلى أرتداء نظارات  والمضحك في الأمر أيضا أنه تعرض للأختراق والفيديو دليل بالداخل ترى فيه الجهاز يستخدم فيه ذاكرة R4 للعب بالالعاب المحفوظه أو بمعنى أصح الألعاب المقرصنه لألعاب DS

[Tech-On!TG Daily]

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تعرّف على أحدث سلسلة الوسائط التخزينيه Intel SSD 510 بسرعة قراءة 500 ميجابت بالثانيه

Posted: 28 Feb 2011 10:25 AM PST

أعلنت اليوم شركة أنتل عن سلسلة الوسائط التخزينيه الجديده SSD 510 بواجهة ساتا 6 جيجابت وهذا يعني أن سرعة القراءة تصل إلى 500 ميجابت بالثانيه وسرعة الكتابه 315 ميجابت بالثانيه وهذا يعني مقارنة بالأجيال السابقه فرق مابين السماء والأرض .

بداخل ذاكرة الفلاش NAND هنالك هذه السلسله والتي تعمل بتقنية 32 نانومتر ستتوفر بسعتين وهما 120 جيجابايت و 256 جيجابايت ولكن لاتتوقع أن تكون الأسعار رخيصه هنا فأنتل تقول بأن بسعة الأكبر ستكون بـ 584 دولار أمريكي أما السعه الأصغر ستكون بـ 284 دولار أمريكي وهنالك فيديوين بالداخل سيشرح لك مدى قوة هذه الوسائط ومقارنتها بالأجيال السابقه


Intel Announces Next in Solid-State Drive Line Up: Intel® SSD 510 Series Featuring Super-Fast 6Gbps SATA Throughput

Ideal for Gamers, Media Creators and Workstation Users, Intel's Newest SSD
Takes Full Advantage of 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ Processors

• Intel SSD 510, next in series of Intel SSD introductions for 2011, transfers more data in less time.
• Ideal for gamers, media creators, performance-intensive workstations, Intel SSD 510 offers fastest available sequential performance.
• Intel SSD 510 with 6Gbps SATA interface outperforms 10,000 RPM HDDs by 50 percent for fast performance and high visual fidelity game play.1

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Feb. 28, 2011 – Intel Corporation announced today the next in a line of new solid-state drives (SSD), the Intel® Solid-State Drive 510 Series. The new Intel SSD 510 features fast SATA 6 Gigabits per second (Gbps) performance to take full advantage of Intel's transition to higher speed SATA bus interfaces on the recently introduced 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ processor-based platforms. Supporting data transfers of up to 500 megabytes per second (MB/s), the Intel SSD 510 doubles the sequential read speeds, and at up to 315MB/s more than triples the sequential write speeds of Intel's current 3Gbps SSDs, to transfer more data in less time. This makes it ideal for demanding gamers, media creators, performance-intensive workstation users and any technology enthusiast.
The Intel SSD 510 offers the fastest sequential read and write speeds of any consumer SATA SSD available today, providing industry leading performance that beats a traditional hard disk drive (HDD) by more than 50 percent.1 In addition to better overall system responsiveness when compared to a mechanical hard drive, SSDs have no moving parts so are more rugged, consume less power and run quieter and cooler than HDDs. SSDs reduce boot times, launch applications and files faster and recover from sleep mode quicker, resulting in noticeable improvement. Conventional HDDs are also unable to effectively take advantage of 6Gbps platform technology, since HDDs fail to maximize even the current 3Gbps SATA interface.
"The Intel SSD 510 Series helps round out our SSD product line and was specifically designed for applications that require high sequential media transfers," said Pete Hazen, director of marketing for Intel's NAND Solutions Group. "Whether it's a gamer wanting impeccable visual performance and faster game loading, or a performance-intensive workstation user, the new 6Gbps SATA SSD from Intel is not only significantly faster than the top 10,000 RPM gaming HDD, it's also faster than two RAIDed gaming HDDs."2
"As a game developer the number one thing we try to optimize during development isn't our game's memory usage or frames per second, but our content creator's iteration time," said Dave Lang, CEO of Iron Galaxy, a Chicago-based game development studio. "By transitioning our team to Intel's 6Gbps SSDs, we've seen a dramatic 15 to 20 percent improvement in the time it takes one of our developers to make a change in the editor, then get to try it out in-game. Faster iterations mean more iterations, which means a better game for the consumer."
The Intel SSD 510 Series uses proven Intel 34-nanometer NAND flash memory to deliver best-in-class sequential performance of up to 500MB/s sequential read speeds and up to 315 MB/s writes for its high-capacity model. The product is available now and comes in a 250GB capacity priced at $584 and a 120GB at $284, for 1,000-unit quantities. Both products include a limited 3-year warranty. The 120GB version is an excellent choice for dual-drive desktops, a hybrid configuration gaining in popularity. In this type of set up, the operating system, favorite applications and games are accessed from the SSD for faster boot up and accelerated application performance, while the HDD is used to store data.
In addition to solid reliability, Intel SSD purchasers have the benefit of the Intel® SSD Toolbox with Intel SSD Optimizer, a free utility which provides Microsoft Windows* users with a powerful set of management, information and diagnostic tools to help maintain the health and out-of-box performance of the drive. To help ease the installation process, all Intel SSD users can download the free Intel® Data Migration Software to help clone the entire content of a previous storage drive (SSD or HDD) to any Intel SSD.
Intel SSDs can be purchased from a variety of resellers, retailers or Internet e-tailers such as Newegg.com or Amazon.com worldwide. More information on Intel SSDs can be found at www.intel.com/go/ssd or by accessing the multimedia press kit at www.intel.com/pressroom/kits/ssd. Follow Intel SSDs on Twitter: @intelssd, Facebook: Intel Solid State Drive (Official) or communities.intel.com.

About Intel

Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) is a world leader in computing innovation. The company designs and builds the essential technologies that serve as the foundation for the world's computing devices. Additional information about Intel is available at newsroom.intel.com and blogs.intel.com.



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شركة ASUS تحدد موعد أصدار جهازيها اللوحين Eee Pad/Eee Slate

Posted: 28 Feb 2011 10:14 AM PST

خلال مؤتمر CeBIT كشفت الشركة ASUS اليوم عن مواعيد عدد من أجهزتها اللوحيه في الأسواق فالجهاز اللوحي ASUS Eee Pad MeMO ذو 7 أنش قاتل الجهاز اللوحي Flyer سيكون متوفر في الربع الثالث من العام الجاري .

بينما الجهازين اللوحين Eee Pad Transformer و Eee Pad Slider سيكونان متوفران في منتصف أبريل في السوق البريطاني  والأجهزة اللوحيه الثلاثه سيكون متوفر برحيق العسل الأندرويد 3.0 أوه صح ! أذا كنت تسأل عن الجهاز اللوحي Eee Slate EP121 المزود بنظام ويندوز7 فهو أيضا سيكون متوفر في بدايات شهر أبريل في السوق البريطاني أيضا .للأسف لاتوجد معلومات رسميه عن الأسعار هنا سوى أن Eee Pad MeMO سيكون متوفر في السوق الألماني بـ 499 يورو .

البيان الصحفي بالداخل

ASUS Tablet Computers — Providing Choice through Innovation at CeBIT 2011

A wide range of innovative tablet computers provide
variety of choice for consumers and businesses alike.

CeBIT, Hanover, Germany — ASUS today presented a live
demonstration of the four tablet devices announced earlier this
year: the Eee Slate EP121, Eee Pad Transformer, Eee Pad Slider
and Eee Pad MeMO. Designed for a wide range of users and
applications, the models will be available with three screen sizes,
and a choice of either Windows® 7 Home Premium or Google
Android® operating systems for the ultimate in mobile flexibility
and productivity.

Consumer choice is essential when selecting innovative and
technologically advanced personal computer devices. When it comes
to tablets, there is a clear need for devices that can deliver a full
multimedia experience using HD video, broad connectivity options,
gaming, plus the broadest range of media compatibility with
standards like Adobe Flash, all in a neat compact package. In
short, there is a demand for tablets that enable users to both
consume and create content in order to learn, work or play.

ASUS Eee Slate EP121
The Eee Slate EP121 is designed for users who require a highly
portable handheld device that can also run standard office software
while multitasking with other applications. Powered with an Intel®
Core™ i5 dual-core processor, the Eee Slate features a 12.1" LEDbacklit display with a 1280 x 800 resolution and a wide 178° viewing angle, making it perfectly suited for both productivity applications and multimedia entertainment.

Windows® 7 Home Premium ensures full compatibility with a wide
range of popular applications controlled by flexible input options
thanks to the Eee Slate. The capacitive touch-screen responds
instantly to fingertip control for day-to-day use, while the
electromagnetic stylus offers fine precision input and control. An onscreen keyboard is also complimented by support for an external
Bluetooth keyboard for traditional desktop use.

The Eee Slate is available with 32GB or 64GB of SSD storage
(expandable via SDXC), and up to 4GB of DDR3 RAM. All models
have 802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 3.0, a 2-megapixel camera, plus two
USB 2.0 ports that provide full support for a wide range of standard
PC peripherals, along with a mini-HDMI port that is ideal for
connecting to external displays.

The Eee Slate EP121 was recently honored with a CES 2011
Innovation Award in the Personal Electronics category, and initial
sales figures showed it reaching the 3rd best-selling item in the
Computers and Accessories category at Amazon.com.

ASUS Eee Pad Transformer
Slated for release in April, the Eee Pad Transformer comes with a
slim lightweight design and 10.1" capacitive touch-screen. It is the
perfect pad computer for people who want to enjoy multimedia on
the move, but still wish to have easy access to the web, email and
other productivity applications. A custom user interface provides
easy access to the many features of the Android® 3.0 HoneyComb
operating system, while the NVIDIA® Tegra™ 2 chipset provides
full support for Adobe Flash, smooth HD video conferencing and
playback, a lightning fast web experience and incredible mobile
gaming performance.

An optional docking station turns the Transformer into a full-fledged
notebook with a QWERTY keyboard for desktop use, while extending
battery life up to 16 hours. As with the Slider, front (1.2MP) and
rear (5MP) digital cameras make for easy video chat and digital
photography, while a built-in mini-HDMI port makes for easy
connections to external displays for full 1080p HD video playback.

ASUS Eee Pad Slider
Mobile users who want the best of both tablet and traditional
notebook worlds will be well served by the Eee Pad Slider. This pad
computer not only features a 10.1" IPS touch-screen for fingerfriendly use, but also a slide-out QWERTY keyboard for comfortable,
use-anywhere typing. It is powered by the NVIDIA® Tegra™ 2, the
world's most advanced mobile processor with a dual-core CPU and
NVIDIA® GeForce® GPU for never-before-seen experiences on a
mobile device.

Built-in digital cameras on the front (1.2MP) and rear (5MP) of the
Slider allow for easy video chat and digital photography while the
Android® 3.0 HoneyComb operating system makes sharing photos
by internet, email and social media sites a breeze. The intuitive
interface provides user-friendly control via the capacitive touchscreen and optional onboard 3G allows for go-anywhere internet
access, making the Slider the ideal device for mobile professionals
with work-oriented needs.

The Eee Pad MeMO provides the ultimate in mobile flexibility. Its 7"
capacitive touch-screen makes it small enough to slip into a jacket
pocket, yet still perfect for taking handwritten notes using the
supplied stylus pen. The Android® 3.0 HoneyComb operating
system with Qualcomm®'s dual-core Snapdragon™ offers a wide
range of productivity and entertainment software, while a Micro
HDMI port means the MeMO can even connect to an external
display for full 1080p HD video playback. Built-in digital cameras on
the front (1.2MP) and rear (5MP) of the MeMO also allow for easy
video chat and digital photography, making it a convenient travel



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شركة Fujitsu Semiconductor تعلن عن استخدامها للمعالج Cortex A15 وهنالك المزيد

Posted: 28 Feb 2011 10:06 AM PST

أليك شركة أخرى وهي Fujitsu Semiconductor والتي وقعت أتفاقيه مع ARM لأستخدام أحدث معالجاتها Cortex A15 ومعالج الرسوميات Mali ولم تكشف الشركة عن المنتجات التي ستستخدم فيه هذه المعماريه .

البيان الصحفي بالداخل

Fujitsu Semiconductor and ARM Sign Comprehensive License Agreement

A strategic partnership using cutting-edge IP such as Cortex™-A15 and Mali graphics to expand global business

CAMBRIDGE, United Kingdom & YOKOHAMA, Japan–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Fujitsu Semiconductor Limited and ARM today announced that they have signed a comprehensive license agreement for ARM IP products. Through this strategic agreement, Fujitsu Semiconductor will offer platforms featuring the latest ARM technology including the Cortex™-A15 processor, Mali™ graphics and CoreLink™ systems IP, in order to help accelerate its customers' product development.

"The combination of ARM's advanced processor, system and graphics technology and Fujitsu's leadership in advanced SoC development forms a solid foundation for the development of pioneering semiconductor products."
The two companies have been collaborating for more than a decade. More recently, Fujitsu Semiconductor launched sales of its FM3 family of general-purpose microcomputers equipped with the Cortex-M3 processor last November.

The agreement will enhance and deepen the companies' partnership, and Fujitsu Semiconductor will provide its customers with cutting-edge ARM technology at an early stage as it develops new products in order to accelerate its customers' product development.

The combination of compatible and scalable low-power processor IP, including the recently launched Cortex-A15 processor, graphics and fabric IP, will enable Fujitsu Semiconductor to continuously provide its customers with complete, full function SoC platforms featuring ARM technology, while significantly reducing time-to-market.

"Fujitsu Semiconductor is working to enhance its product appeal and boost its IP lineup," said Corporate Senior Vice President Haruyoshi Yagi of Fujitsu Semiconductor. "One of the major ways in which we are doing this is with this comprehensive license agreement we have signed with ARM. This will allow our customers to select the ARM technology most suited for their application, and use a platform that combines it with other IP provided by us. These platforms will use our proven design and authentication technology, meaning we will be able to achieve high levels of quality and functionality, as well as a dramatic reduction in LSI development time.

"Fujitsu Semiconductor provides products that meet its customers' needs in a timely manner over a wide range of applications. We are already moving ahead with the provision of IP to ASIC customers and the development of our ASSP, which are scheduled to be rolled out sequentially in the second half of 2011.

"In addition, we will share the Fujitsu Semiconductor product roadmap with ARM, and closely collaborate in the development of future ARM technologies, from the specification setting stage and up. As a strategic partner, we look forward to an even closer relationship with ARM."

"In a constantly evolving marketplace, ARM is committed to empowering its Partners with the resources they need to not only remain competitive today, but to meet future technology challenges head-on," said Tudor Brown, president, ARM. "The combination of ARM's advanced processor, system and graphics technology and Fujitsu's leadership in advanced SoC development forms a solid foundation for the development of pioneering semiconductor products."



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الصوره الرسميه الأولى لمعالج الرسوميات AMD Radeon HD 6990

Posted: 28 Feb 2011 09:59 AM PST

هذه الصور الأوليه الرسميه لوحش شركة AMD معالج الرسوميات Radeon HD 6990  وتخطط الشركة إلى أصدار المعالج الثنائي الرسومات في الربع الثاني من العام الجاري  وهذه الصور تأتي من موقع Hexus ولكن للأسف لاتوجد معلومات رسميه عن مواصفات معالج الرسوميات .

هذا المعالج ضخم والسبب أنه عباره عن معالجين للرسومات في معالج واحد ومزود بتقنية تبريد خاصة به وبالنسبة للمنافذ فهنالك أربع منافذ Mini DisplayPort ومنفذ وحيد Dual-DVI وهذا يعني أنه يتمكن من عرض 6 شاشات من خلال معالج رسوميات واحد  وتحتوي على 4 مقابس موزعه على اثنين وسرعة بثّ المعالج هي 3840

مواضيع ذات صلة

نظره على الجهاز اللوحي MSI WindPad 110W

Posted: 28 Feb 2011 09:50 AM PST

خلال مؤتمر CeBIT كشفت اليوم شركة MSI عن جهاز لوحي جديد وهو WindPad 110W والذي يحمل بداخله معمارية AMD Brazos والذي يحمل منطقة الفاره بصريه والشاشه طولها 10.1 أنش بتقنية IPS وهو مزود بنظام ويندوز7 مع واجهه خاصه من قبل شركة الأم وسيكون متوفر في منتصف السنه وهنالك مسند يمكنك وضع الجهاز فيه أذا هل تريد فيديو ومجموعه من الصور لك ذالك ياصديقي

msi-windpad-110w-cebit-01 msi-windpad-110w-cebit-02 msi-windpad-110w-cebit-07 msi-windpad-110w-cebit-14 msi-windpad-110w-cebit-16 msi-windpad-110w-cebit-19-sm



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